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Engaging local authorities, Businessmen and Researchers in Seyoun: SEMC & HCCI Discuss Economic Challenges to Hadramout


Organized by SEMC and the Hadramout Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI) (Valley and Desert) and in cooperation with the Economic Reform Team (ERT), a discussion session on the economic situation in Hadramout: Challenges and opportunities was held today in Seyoun.

Inaugurating the session, which was attended by directors of executive economic offices, academics, bank CEOs, researchers, and major investors, assistant deputy governor of Hadramout for Valley and Desert Districts, Abdulhadi al-Tamimi, underscores the importance of holding the workshop at present. He points out that active contribution to the future visions of Hadramout economy helps local authorities formulate appropriate solutions at the right time, pointing out that economic factors in Hadramout are available. According to Tamimi, the question is how to maintain a balanced economic situation, exploit available resources and encourage investment.

Deputy director of the HCCI for Industrial Affairs, Taha al-Saqqaf, highlights the role of the workshop in filling gaps in economic research, pointing out that investors often look for such studies prior to starting any investment projects as they provide insights into the economic situation in the region and the type of projects needed. Saqqaf calls on the audience to share their observations to enrich the study. He stresses the need for strengthening government and private sector partnership, which is crucial for creation of comprehensive development since the private sector is a key and essential partner for development in the governorate and the country at large.

SEMC coordinator in Hadramout, Hadba al-Yazidi points out that the workshop aims at contextualizing the economic situation in Hadramout in current scene through a comprehensive academic study, to identify challenges in a way that helps concerned authorities develop solutions for those issues. She points out that a similar workshop has been held in Mukalla to discuss the economic situation in Hadramout - both valley and coastal strip, based on economic environment, resources and impact of the war on economic components, besides discussing challenges and opportunities with a view of coming up with a clear-cut vision of the future to boost the economic situation in the governorate.

Al-Yazidi expresses appreciation of local authorities in the valley for their interaction and participation in this workshop, and thanks HCCI leadership and all participants for their interaction and contributions through putting forward valuable recommendations for improving economic visions of future Hadramout.

The analytical study is prepared by economic researcher at SEMC, Mr.  Ibrahim ibn Gafla on the reality of the economic sectors in Hadramout and the future economic vision of the governorate.

The study reviews current reality of Hadramout economy using a number of general indicators, most notably indicators of spending, income, health, educational development and infrastructure. It also reviews the current reality of key economic sectors, including industry, agriculture, fisheries, oil and minerals, and tourism, analyzing the economic environment of these sectors.

The session was concluded by reviewing the economic opportunities and challenges in the governorate and analyzing sectors to identify economic intervention priorities. Participants also put forth many observations and comments that enriched the study, expressing their thanks to organizers and appreciating the efforts exerted in conducting the study, and hoping to see more of such discussions in the future.

The session was attended by HCCI Assistant Deputy for Commercial Affairs, Sheikh Salman Salem Shami, and HCCI Acting Director, Hassan Ali ba Taher.


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